Sponsorship Packages
National Championship Show 2022
Gold £500 - Ring Sponsorship (Limited only 6 Available)
- Space in the Arena for stall / gazebo.
- Allocation of indoor stabling if available*
- 2 x meal vouchers
- A year's free classified adverts on MHCGB Website
- Hook up for show duration
- Website Banner space for 8 months
- Banner Ringside
- Full Page Colour Advert in Catalogue
Silver £250 - Section Sponsorship (full section of classes plus championship)
- Space in the Arena for stall / gazebo.
- Allocation of indoor stabling if available*
- A year's free classified adverts on MHCGB Website
- Banner Ringside
- Full Page Colour Advert in Catalogue
Bronze £150 - Section Championship Sponsorship
- Space in the Arena for stall / gazebo.
- Allocation of indoor stabling if available*
- Banner Ringside
- Half Page Advert in Catalogue
Championship Sponsorship £50
- Banner Ringside
Individual Class Sponsorship £25
- Banner Ringside
Limited opportunity for Championship and Individual Class Sponsors to upgrade to include Arena Space for a small gazebo or table for the duration of the show for an additional £50 on a first come basis.
* Allocation of indoor stabling if available, stabling fees must still be paid