2018 Results
Rebecca Mellard with Buccarass Golden Buckeneer
Reserve Champion
Harrie Wood and Summerose Little Hawk
Reserve Reserve Champion
Courtney Dolman with Jasco Phantoms Ultimate Portrait

The Pampered Pony Supreme is held at our Grand Championship Show in August. During the year there are multiple chances to qualify for this supreme sponsored by the wonderful Lynn McDowell of Pampered Pony Miniature Rugs.
2018 Qualifying Dates
17th Sept '17 - MHCGB Sheepgate Area 5 Show
22nd April - MHCGB National Spring Show
19th May - MHCGB Norfolk Area 5 Show
10th June - MHCGB Derbyshire Area 3 Show
24th June - MHCGB Bridgewater Area 8 Show
1st July - MHCGB Clipston Area 6 Show
27th August - MHCGB Grand Championship Show
17th Sept '17 - MHCGB Sheepgate Area 5 Show
22nd April - MHCGB National Spring Show
19th May - MHCGB Norfolk Area 5 Show
10th June - MHCGB Derbyshire Area 3 Show
24th June - MHCGB Bridgewater Area 8 Show
1st July - MHCGB Clipston Area 6 Show
27th August - MHCGB Grand Championship Show
The Champion and Reserve Pampered Pony at each qualifying show gain entry into the
Pampered Pony Supreme at the Grand Championship Show.
The classes are judged purely on Turnout and Condition of both horse and handler.
We are looking for a much loved and pampered horse or pony.
Pampered Pony Supreme at the Grand Championship Show.
The classes are judged purely on Turnout and Condition of both horse and handler.
We are looking for a much loved and pampered horse or pony.
- Classes are open to any type of horse or pony which is registered with MHCGB.
- Handlers must be the owner of the horse / pony and be a fully paid up member of MHCGB.
- You can enter as many times as you wish throughout the season, with any horses / ponies providing the above criteria is met, however you can only compete ONE horse / pony in the Supreme held at the Grand Championship Show.
- Handlers should be correctly dressed, wearing hats and gloves and in an outfit which complements the horse / pony. The outfit in which you qualify should be the outfit you wear during the Pampered Pony Supreme.
- Restrictions - handler must not have previously taken Supreme of Show at either our National Spring Show or Grand Championship Show.
Here we showcase our qualifiers of 2018
Area 5 - Sheepgate 17th Sept 2017
Freddie Watts and Windrush Mr Pinks Windrush Mr Pinks, he was the first Windrush mini foal born at Windrush so he has a special place in my heart, he is only 5 years old and has achieved so many champions and supremes, I've been all over the country with this little chap, most of you will remember him when he was a colt, you could hear him before you could see him, he is so full of life and always makes me smile even when he is being naughty, at home he is one truly pampered pony. |
Tina Bell and Windrush Argento Amore Indies is really my little horse of a lifetime At just 2 years old he is already a Multi Champion Qualifying for the Royal International horse show in 2017 at the first time of asking he gained at this very prestigious show a 3rd & 4th place Me & my best little friend have travelled the depths and breadths of the country Many many pampering sessions take place Indie loves nothing more than the shower he has so many shampoos & Conditioners sprays & potions His shelves of beauty products are far bigger than mine As for his many rugs for every occasion well we won’t go there After a show it’s loose time in the paddock to roll in the dirt and dust after all that’s what it’s all about being a horse |
National Spring Show 22nd April 2018
Jen Baldwin Murphy with Haysden Moneypenny MicroBoo has to be the ultimate Pampered Pony! We had tried for three years to get her dam in foal and after the third negative bloodtest had given up. Then this lovely girl made a surprise appearance hence the name MicroBoo!! We are all totally besotted with her and at two weeks old she had an article and photo in the Horse and Hound due to being the new sibling of her famous brother MicroDave! She is thoroughly spoilt and nicknamed Princess Perfect as she is just truly adorable and we are all very excited about her future. |
Charlotte Trigg and Scott Creek Monarch Izza Commotion Izzy, she has been with us for a few years now and has gained the nickname Precious! Acting just like Barbie but in equine form, she hates the wet and mud so much so she would rather jump muddy gateways than get her hoofs dirty! Saying that, she is a devil to keep clean when in the stable or travelling to shows and bath time is not her favourite thing. She does however love to be groomed and pampered. We think she is the bee’s knees and love her to bits. |
Norfolk Area 5 Show 19th May 2018
Harrie Wood and Summerose Little Hawk This is only my first season showing Jasper but some of you will know him already as he was a very talented youngster. After a break from the show ring, I was incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to purchase Jasper from the lovely Yvonne Mcallister. My family had always loved Jasper and I was keen to prove that he could continue to be the superstar that everybody knew and loved. So far Jasper and I have only competed in four shows but we have already received a championship placing at every show, including an AMHA title, a Supreme Champion and, most recently, a Pamper Pony Championship. I am thrilled that Jasper has qualified for this special championship, it is a dream come true and he really is the ultimate pampered pony. He is a real character at home, he has kisses for everyone but especially for his Harrie and is just as beautiful on the inside as he is on the outside. He is the ultimate pampered prince who is truly part of our family. Thank you MHCGB for the opportunity to compete in this special final with Jasper, I love him to bits! |
Helen Coulson and Pinpoint Highland Fling Pinpoint Highland Fling (aka. Tucker is a cheeky young colt who is full of life and character. He lives along side his fellow companions and his girlfriend who stands at 15.1, showing that size really doesn't matter! Although Tucker only competed in his first show earlier this year, he has proven to be a truly special little horse, winning two of his classes and receiving the reserve pampered pony. I'm really looking forward to our future together in the ring with Tucker strutting his stuff. He truly is a pampered pony who will catch the hearts of all that lay eyes on him. |
Derbyshire Area 3 Show 10th June 2018
Diane Blackburn with Dearnhead Absolut Chaos Fugly / Twinkle Born 3/3/2016 Dam - Wrens Charisma Sire - RHA Rangers Absolut A total poppet. She's good for farrier, good to clip and loves attention. I clipped her 3 days before her first show and only decided to take her cos she didn't look at all bad. I was thrilled to bits when she went Pampered Pony Champion! She was a very pretty foal but an ugly yearling hence the nick name "Fugly". But she's a delight to have around. Bless her. |
Courtney Dolman with Jasco Phantoms Ultimate Portrait Jasco phantoms ultimate portrait aka Porshe 4yr old American AMHR cat B mare Sire:Ujenik dudes phantom Dam: Moonstar whisper Wishes, Princess Porshe, Homebred, She's very much our posh princess she Hates getting dirty, cold, wet or to hot if she was human think she would def be a posh lady 😂😂 had a fantastic career as a yearling showing but since then was turned away which was out of our control, we eventually got her back this year and came back showing, Area 3 being her second show back on the circuit - but it has taken us months of Slimmers World to get the weight back off her and rehandling again. She holds a special place in my heart has a super nature which shows when Isabel takes control of her but loves to show she's very much a mum's girl but adores her food which is def top of her list on a daily basis, she's very grumpy until she's had her food! |
Bridgewater Area 8 Show 24th June 2018
Wendy Bryant with Pencarnan Apaches Baloo This is the second year running that Baloo has qualified for this fanatic championship. Since last year not much has changed for Baloo Boy, he still has his pony pops in the hot weather, goes out playing with his friends and loves nothing better then getting dirty and muddy. He even enjoys a walk in the village, and everyone stopping us to make a fuss of him. Keeping Baloo clean is extremely hard work, but his forever growing shower products and wardrobe, certainly helps. I can only see him being more and more pampered as time goes on. |
Clipston Area 6 Show 24th June 2018
Charlotte Trigg and Scott Creek Monarch Izza Commotion
Improving on her placing from the Reserve Champion at the National Spring Show earlier this year, and with a new outfit young Charlotte and her beautiful Izzy stole the show in the Pampered Pony Championship. This opened up the opportunity for a 1st Reserve placing to be made, thus still allowing two competitors forward to the Pampered Pony Supreme from Area 6.
Charlotte Trigg and Scott Creek Monarch Izza Commotion
Improving on her placing from the Reserve Champion at the National Spring Show earlier this year, and with a new outfit young Charlotte and her beautiful Izzy stole the show in the Pampered Pony Championship. This opened up the opportunity for a 1st Reserve placing to be made, thus still allowing two competitors forward to the Pampered Pony Supreme from Area 6.
Justine O'neill with Looking glass rustling silk aka Ellie Ellie is a yearling filly which I bought when she was 6 hrs old from a photograph, I am so proud of this little filly and how she has turned out, she has been placed every time out, Ellie is such a diva at home hates her legs being clipped she stands on her back legs while I do the fronts hates being kissed she is very nosey she doesn't miss a thing but she does love her baths and going in the solarium afterwards I am so lucky to own such a cracking little filly I love her to bits |
1st Reserve
Rebecca Mellard with Buccarass Golden Buckeneer aka "show pet" When staying away from home I have to replicate his stable at a show to resemble his stable at home. He doesn't like his food mixing together he likes his meals in 2 different buckets one with his balancer & one with his chaff. He will not touch his hay if it falls on the floor.If this happens & he has no hay in his net he will stamp around his stable biting the mirror until someone attends to his needs. If I try to have a lay in any day he will squeal at the top of his voice until I get up. I love this quirky chap with all my heart & wouldn't change him for the world xx |
Grand Championship Show Final Qualifiers 27th August 2018
Katie Gaunt with Pintrees UK Glocks Rythmic Bulet Brian is my little legs, with more rugs than I have shoes!! With every treat on the market in his store cupboard his treat ball is always full. A sucker for the sloppy kisses and cuddles, he is my pampered little man. |
Nicola Scott with LG Ever So Cool With his quirky attitude he loves to act the yard clown. Scared of his own shadow he gets special care making him ultimately spoilt and pampered for his every need |